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About the site

small eagle

You already possess everything necessary to become great. – Crow

After long hours of reading books and doing quite a bit of research into the subject I thought it was time to bring to light this particular nation as they were the first ancestors that arrived on this continent. I tried to introduce as many cultures and accounts from all over North America and it is not complete, but it will grow in time.

At the moment I only selected the North American section of The United States and Canada with possible other areas in the future.

This has long been a project on the back burner and I have hesitated because of the large amount of information it would encompass, but I can no longer procrastinate on the subject. The scope of this undertaking will range from written accounts and references on different cultures and a bit of insight.

I hope you enjoy this project as much as I did in making it and I tried to be respectful of this group of people and did not mean to diminish or single out anyone's beliefs or preferences.

If anyone has a reference to share, please let me know on the contact page and I will be glad to check it out.


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